UNAGI!! The symbolic traditional meal in Japan

04 English articles

Hello to the the world. How have you been? It’s been long to see

English blog on this site. Here, Tokyo, is in confusion now.

People in infection of Colona Virus increase but not as much as the USA and Europe.

So people in Tokyo are irritated what people should do. Basically people stay calm

in their place. If it must be kept for a long time, the economy in Japan could be

devastated. This blog hopes that everything will be fine and recovered as soon as


Anyway, this time on the blog mention about “UNAGI”. 21st July is the day of

eating “UNAGI”, it’s called “Doyou no Ushi no Hi”. UNAGI has a huge power then

it’s really good to eat very tough climate day. It is usually very hot and tough day

, 21st July, not on this year.

Let’s see UNAGI blog.


What kind of fish UNAGI is?

UNAGI lives in river, fresh water. It looks like snake. In fact, UNAGI is maddy and

swim like snake walking. I have never imagine that people in ancient era try to eat.

sorry, but looks gross.

UNAGI’s ecology is mysterious too much. So there are so many things in ambiguous.

We, Japanese, are very anxious about that UNAGI’s number decrease and a

institution have not found the reason.

UNAGI is very good taste and make people feel the season. If you come to Japan

in summer, you should find and go to good UNAGI place.

There is a different style to cook

Usually people in Japan eat UNAGI as Kabayaki, which means baked with source and

above charcoal. Actually this explanation is not enough, because there is huge

different style before baking. It is a steamed or not. Eastern style is steamed.

Western style is not steamed. It sounds like it is big deal?? Yes, it is. It’s a big deal.

You can feel a big different in your mouth. Eastern style is like very soft and

juicy. I love it, I am people in Tokyo. On the other hand, western style is like

crispy and chewy. It’s not my favorite style but still UNAGI, of course I like it.

There are so many places you can eat UNAGI in Tokyo. And some of them

have a very long history which is over 100 hundred years. You can feel the

history as eating UNAGI.

UNAGI is not just food, crafted works.

UNAGI is one of the traditional food in Japan. So people see it as a crafted work

not just food. There is a word which makes UNAGI be a crafted work.

”Kushi uchi 3 years Sabaki 8 years baked whole your life”

This means professional UNAGI cooker need to dedicate whole your life.

Even though it’s a metaphor, person in UNAGI must practice very hard.

UNAGI is very sensitive fish and difficult to cook. So it takes a very long time to be


Kushi uchi means you skewer teared UNAGI. It’s kind of first step for UNAGI person.

Sabaki means you tear UNAGI.


well, UNAGI is one of the symbolic food in summer. You can see that UNAGI is

very traditional food in Japan. Of course, there are shops you can eat much cheaper

in town. But taste and atmosphere is absolutely different. If you come to Japan in

vacation, I strongly recommend that you go to famous and traditional shop.

It must be unforgettable memory for you.

alright, this is wrap up.

See you next time!!
